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PROCEEDINGS Industrial Computation Seminar SEPTEMBER 1950 EDITED BY IBM APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT CUTHBERT C. HURD, Director INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION NEW YORK ... NEW YORK Copyright 1951 International Business Machines Corporation 590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Form 22-8415-0 P R N TED N THE U N TED S TAT E S o F A MER C A FORE WORD AN INDUSTRIAL COMPUTATION SEMINAR, sponsored ..n. by the International Business Machines Corpora- tion, was held in the IBM Department of Education, Endicott, New York, from September 25 to September 29, 1950. The ninety research engineers and scientists who participated in this Seminar met to discuss the fundamental computational methods which are appli- cable in a wide variety of research problems. Particular attention was drawn to computational techniques re- cently developed in the fields of chemistry and petroleum. The International Business Machines Corporation wishes to express its appreciation to all who participated in this Seminar. CONTENTS The Role of the Punched Card in Scientific Computation -WALLACE J. ECKERT 13 Machine Calculation of the Plate-by-Plate Composition of a Multicomponent Distillation Column -ASCHER OPLER ROBERT G. HEITZ 18 Continuous Distillation Design Calculations with the IBM -ARTHUR ROSE Card-Programmed Electronic Calculator THEODORE J. WILLIAMS WILLIAM S. DYE, III 24 Application of Automatic Computing Methods to Infrared Spectroscopy -GILBERT W. KING. 32 Correlation and Regression Analysis - E . L. WELKER 36 Pile-Driving Impact -EDWARD A. SMITH 44 Punched Card Mathematical Tables on Standard IBM Equipment -ELEANOR KRAWITZ. 52 The Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations Using - J USTUS CHANCELLOR the IBM Card-Programmed Electronic Calculator JOHN W. SHELDON G. LISTON TATUM.

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